Mass Mob St. Louis started

After reading about the successful urban mass mobs in Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo, we thought that St. Louis was due! This website will help us to coordinate mass mobs in St. Louis.

Projected first mass mobs: Early 2015

Sponsoring parish: Most Holy Trinity, St. Louis

Stay tuned for updates!

7 thoughts on “Mass Mob St. Louis started

  1. Welcome to Mass Mobster activities. You are the 17th known mob to announce. We started immediately after the Associated Press article in early February, the New York Times article may be planting seeds. Michael Paulson’s heralding is already producing results.


    1. You are exactly right. We are just reaching out to other parishes at this point trying to get a core group of interested churches to participate before we move forward. I have been sending the link to the NY Times article by means of explaining what it is. I’d be happy to speak with you, too, to learn what has worked for you. Please feel free to email me at


  2. “Mass Mob St. Louis” will be a great way to promote the familiarity,
    knowledge, historical appreciation and beauty of our distinguished
    collection of historic Catholic churches and sites for the faithful as
    well as the general public, Catholic and non-Catholic alike!
    This is a critical need for the community generally, since many of
    the younger people need to be more familiar and appreciative of the
    noted histories of our acclaimed churches and ethnocultural communities.
    Those folks who value historical continuity, cultural identity, and
    architectural and artistic preservation–as well as focused urban
    renewal and sustainability–should be supportive of “Mass Mob.”
    Max Kaiser, Jr.
    Knights of Columbus History and Heritage Committee USA


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